Day 17 : Sleepy Thursday

Date : 17th October, Thursday
Day : 17
Ok, so my phone is still broken and I don't have pictures of that lovely looking board. But I will get one today for sure when I go for my evening practice. For Sure.
The class this morning was Hom with Monica. I'm always a little scared in Monica's class. Haha. But I was looking forward to the class. I slept at about 11 PM last night, and was still very very very very sleepy in the morning. I got ready with my eyes closed and almost walked to the station with my eyes closed as well. When I finally reached the studio, I quickly kept my bag in the locker and went to the room and got down to the mat and slept. haha. So much for the I'll do 10 surya namaskars to prepare for 108 this Saturday. Obviously i WAY behind my prep and I hope my daily regular practice will help me this Saturday!
The class today was really really good. I was in a zone or still in sleep maybe. Haha. But my focus was unwavering. Of course, Monica helps her students get to that point in each and every class, but today I could feel my one-point direction. And I only allowed my mind to drift when I finally lay down on the mat for the final shavasana.
The one pose that I had a little difficulty doing today was Utthan pristhasana or the lizard pose. Actually, it is not exactly the lizard pose, but a variation of it. This is the utthan pristhasana :

(image courtesy :
What we do in the Hom class is :

(Image Courtesy :
Here are the not-so-brief steps for how to get into it:
1) Start in Adho mukho svanasana or downward facing dog. On an exhale, steps your right foot on the outside edge of your right hand. Both arms should be to the left of the right foot.
2) Lower your left knee down and release the the top of your left foot. Take a look back to ensure that your right knee isn't moving past the right ankle, and distribute the weight evenly across the hips.
3) Sink your weight down into your hips. Begin to walk your hands forward until you are able to come down on your forearms.
4) Extend your heart forward lengthening the spine, try to soften the heart and draw the shoulder blades together, taking the rounding off your back.
5) With your forearms on the ground, flex your right foot, drawing your toes towards your shin. Begin to let your right knee draw outwards towards the right, rolling to the outside edge of your right foot. Always keep your right foot flexed to protect your right ankle and foot.
6) With your left knee lowered, reach back with your right hand and take hold of your left foot. Draw your foot towards your buttocks, as your hips continue to draw forward
7) Open your heart towards the sky and lean back towards the left.
I am usually very good at this pose, and enjoy getting into it and find it very relaxing. And considering this is the last pose in the hom class, you feel better knowing that it's going to come to an end soon :) This pose is then followed by the pigeon pose or the Rajakapotasana. Maybe it was my right hip, which has been hurting since last night. But I feel better now, so hopefully I can relax into this asana in the evening hom class.
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