Day 13 : Sunday Yin
Date : Sunday, October 13th
Day : 13
My Yin weekend continues with the 12:30 PM class with Anton in Orchard on Sunday. I was a little upset on Sunday after a weird political, emotional, national discussion with a couple of friends at a potluck on Saturday. More my fault than theirs actually. I'm pathetic at debates and cry very easily. Which is exactly what happened. Well, I didn't cry, but I was write close. So I wrote a post about it on Google + And then went to sleep quite late. Woke up in time to make a cup of tea and then head out to yoga at 12:00. I was still a little emotional and I guess it showed in my practice. Because as soon as I stepped out Anton told me he thought I was very "emotional" and "involved' in my practice today. I looked at him as if he had something astonishing and then I smiled. :) That was my magic moment for the day. The practice was indeed very deep and I immersed myself completely in it. Anyway my eyes were closed and that added to the entire meditative trance like phase. Some asanas that we usually do in Yin are the below ones:
Balasana or Child Pose's

(Image courtesy :
We usually start the yin sequence with Child's pose and it also a very restful asana to go into anytime during our other sequences. It stretches your spine and is counter-pose to all the backbends. I have tried the child's pose at home when I'm feeling anxious and it is extremely soothing and relaxing. Both the versions shown above are equally calming. Though I like the one with the knees apart more relaxing. You can go to sleep in this asana, especially if you have your eyes closed.
Mandukasana or Frog Pose
Like the child pose with knees apart, the mandukasana is a hip opener and stretches the inner thighs and groin. And can get pretty intense. We usually go into the frog pose after child pose.

(Image courtesy :
You knees can get pretty uncomfortable when in this pose, so I usually place towels under my knees as some cushioning. It is known as an asana that relieves cramps. I find it very difficult to stay in this asana for too long and usually start fidgeting after 3 minutes.
Uttana Shihosana or Extended Puppy Pose

(Image Courtesy :
Again something you can go into from Child's pose. It's another one of those feel good poses. It stretches the spine and shoulders and improves flexibility. And is known to relieve stress, tension and insomnia. I find it the asana between downward facing dog and child's pose.
Salamba Bhujangasana or Sphinx And Seal


(Images courtesy :
Both of these are backbends. Sphinx is known as the baby of all backbends. It lengthens the abdominal muscles and stretches the spine preparing it for more active backbends. The important and the final step towards relaxing into the full expression of a sphinx pose is to be aware of your lower belly. And not in an active kind. You are not tightening or sucking in required. It's basically the area below your navel and above you pubic bone. You slowly and lightly draw it away from the floor, creating a dome rounding up towards your lower back. What the belly lift does is spread the backbend more evenly along your spine, soothing your lower back and awakening your upper back. Refer to for more info on how to get into the salambha bhujangasana.
The Sphinx pose in Yin is often followed by the seal pose. I don't know the sanskrit name for the seal pose, will remember to ask my teacher for it tomorrow. This pose is similar to the Sphinx pose, but creates more of an arch in the lower back. You begin on your belly, propped up on your hands with your arms straight. lace your hands about 4 inches in front of the shoulders and turn your hands slightly like seal flippers. It's important to distribute your weight evenly across your hands to avoid stressing the wrists. If possible, release the tension in the buttocks and legs.
To get out of Sphinx and Seal, you gently lower you belly down towards the floor with an exhalation and remain still on the floor breathing into your whole spine. It will feel wonderfully relaxed after these two poses.
I think I will stop my Yin post for today and continue on the Yin journey next weekend :) Oh I forget ! I have something special coming up this Saturday. I'll be doing 108 surya namaskars with Deborah and Daphne. We'll be practicing for equality regardless of gender or sexuality, taking a stand against discrimination and
homophobia. It's a two hour class from 9:30-11:30am this coming Saturday. Gotta prepare my body for that this week. 108! I do 10 in a row and need a break!!
With that in mind, let me promise myself to do 10 surya namaskars before ever class as practice for the 108 coming up :)
Day : 13
My Yin weekend continues with the 12:30 PM class with Anton in Orchard on Sunday. I was a little upset on Sunday after a weird political, emotional, national discussion with a couple of friends at a potluck on Saturday. More my fault than theirs actually. I'm pathetic at debates and cry very easily. Which is exactly what happened. Well, I didn't cry, but I was write close. So I wrote a post about it on Google + And then went to sleep quite late. Woke up in time to make a cup of tea and then head out to yoga at 12:00. I was still a little emotional and I guess it showed in my practice. Because as soon as I stepped out Anton told me he thought I was very "emotional" and "involved' in my practice today. I looked at him as if he had something astonishing and then I smiled. :) That was my magic moment for the day. The practice was indeed very deep and I immersed myself completely in it. Anyway my eyes were closed and that added to the entire meditative trance like phase. Some asanas that we usually do in Yin are the below ones:
Balasana or Child Pose's

(Image courtesy :
We usually start the yin sequence with Child's pose and it also a very restful asana to go into anytime during our other sequences. It stretches your spine and is counter-pose to all the backbends. I have tried the child's pose at home when I'm feeling anxious and it is extremely soothing and relaxing. Both the versions shown above are equally calming. Though I like the one with the knees apart more relaxing. You can go to sleep in this asana, especially if you have your eyes closed.
Mandukasana or Frog Pose
Like the child pose with knees apart, the mandukasana is a hip opener and stretches the inner thighs and groin. And can get pretty intense. We usually go into the frog pose after child pose.

(Image courtesy :
You knees can get pretty uncomfortable when in this pose, so I usually place towels under my knees as some cushioning. It is known as an asana that relieves cramps. I find it very difficult to stay in this asana for too long and usually start fidgeting after 3 minutes.
Uttana Shihosana or Extended Puppy Pose

(Image Courtesy :
Again something you can go into from Child's pose. It's another one of those feel good poses. It stretches the spine and shoulders and improves flexibility. And is known to relieve stress, tension and insomnia. I find it the asana between downward facing dog and child's pose.
Salamba Bhujangasana or Sphinx And Seal


(Images courtesy :
Both of these are backbends. Sphinx is known as the baby of all backbends. It lengthens the abdominal muscles and stretches the spine preparing it for more active backbends. The important and the final step towards relaxing into the full expression of a sphinx pose is to be aware of your lower belly. And not in an active kind. You are not tightening or sucking in required. It's basically the area below your navel and above you pubic bone. You slowly and lightly draw it away from the floor, creating a dome rounding up towards your lower back. What the belly lift does is spread the backbend more evenly along your spine, soothing your lower back and awakening your upper back. Refer to for more info on how to get into the salambha bhujangasana.
The Sphinx pose in Yin is often followed by the seal pose. I don't know the sanskrit name for the seal pose, will remember to ask my teacher for it tomorrow. This pose is similar to the Sphinx pose, but creates more of an arch in the lower back. You begin on your belly, propped up on your hands with your arms straight. lace your hands about 4 inches in front of the shoulders and turn your hands slightly like seal flippers. It's important to distribute your weight evenly across your hands to avoid stressing the wrists. If possible, release the tension in the buttocks and legs.
To get out of Sphinx and Seal, you gently lower you belly down towards the floor with an exhalation and remain still on the floor breathing into your whole spine. It will feel wonderfully relaxed after these two poses.
I think I will stop my Yin post for today and continue on the Yin journey next weekend :) Oh I forget ! I have something special coming up this Saturday. I'll be doing 108 surya namaskars with Deborah and Daphne. We'll be practicing for equality regardless of gender or sexuality, taking a stand against discrimination and
homophobia. It's a two hour class from 9:30-11:30am this coming Saturday. Gotta prepare my body for that this week. 108! I do 10 in a row and need a break!!
With that in mind, let me promise myself to do 10 surya namaskars before ever class as practice for the 108 coming up :)
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