Of Resolutions, Reflections and a little bit of Nirvana

I am always taken aback when people I haven't known very well or at all - suddenly upon meeting me, after a couple of minutes, mention that they have read my blogs. It is disconcerting and I'm often left embarrassed not knowing how to react. Because when I write on these platforms, I forget that I am writing for an audience, i just...you know...write. But once I get over the initial hesitation of discussing my writings, I find it inspiring to know that someone is actually reading these posts - it eggs me on to write. and write more. Which is exactly what happened this new year's day. And hence this post. I am usually not a believer of drafting elaborate New Year resolutions. For me, every day is a new start - i do not need to wait until the dawn on January 1 of the next year to start living a healthier life or start tracking my gratitude journal entries or start being a bit more conscious of how much time I spend on my phone. I get the opportunity to do that every n...