Green Tara ~ Om tāre tuttāre ture sohā

The 21 Taras painted by Salga according to the Nyingma terma tradition When people ask me where do you feel at home the most, which part of the country, my mind first goes to the mountains in northern India and then eastwards to the lands of buddhism. It was during my trip to Nepal, that buddhism resonated in me, more Vajrayana buddhism that it's Mahayana sister. I felt a connection to imagery and the buddhist texts of Tantra - the same buddhism that is found in the Tibetan valley. I glanced at the sculptures and pictures of the Boddhisatvas and Taras and felt an immediate connection. Of course it helped immensely that my teacher with whom I was travelling in Nepal, was a deep believer herself and I used her energy to guide me to this ancient mystical world. Since then, a mantra that settled deep wi...