maula ~ arziyaan

For those who know me, a part of my personality is inextricably linked to Bollywood or the Hindi film industry. I have often found in some of the richer stories the industry has told, a sense of solace and peace - and more often than not, I have also found a guiding light in dialogues, situations, place, characters and mostly songs and lyrics. While it is dangerous to base your life decisions to a dialogue you hear someone on screen narrate, i believe that inspiration and guidance comes from everywhere and everyone - you only have to be open to it. A quote that is attributed to rumi says - your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. I believe that quote can be applied to many things in life - in your search for creativity, in your journey to find the divine, in your spiritual quest for the unknowable & unreachable, in your progress towards your career or craft - everything. We merel...