Happy Diwali

It's been ages since I posted something about yoga. I often think about writing about yoga or about a particular experience in a class or a random thought that somehow I manage to connect to my practice, and by the time I get down to clicking on "New Post", I lose that spark or that energy that I was so full of a minute ago. And I don't like writing for the sake of writing, hence the absence from this blog for so long. I've said this before, but I'll repeat it, off late my practice has taken a softer dimension. I still appreciate it for the awesome workout that it is, hot ashtanga at Hom or even a hot vinyasa at Pure still leaves me sweating (and it's not just the heat) after 60 minutes. But what I appreciate more and more is the way i feel after a class, and it's not the exercise high that leaves you high strung after a workout. For me, lately, it's been how open my heart feels after a lovely yoga class. I feel capable of so much more goodn...