
Showing posts from June, 2014

Pure Yoga : Universal Mandala and Yin

I was so comfortable being at Hom that I didn't find the need to venture out. Even now, I love the coziness of Hom, i love the teachers there, I love the friends I have at Hom, basically i love everything about it. I tend to get like that about places, people and situations I am comfortable with. Irrespective of what anyone says, I'll turn a blind eye and continue on the path. But this one discussion with some of my HOM friends, and the fact that a teacher i love : Deborah : is at Pure Yoga, I decided to give it a try and signed up for their free trial. They have a beautiful Universal Mandala class Copper Crow teaches on Saturdays. I did my first universal class with Daphne in Ubud, and absolutely loved it. I liked the fact that the class was relatively small, not heated, the teacher was jovial and fun. Copper is a brilliant teacher, I could see that from the minute Deb introduced me to him before class. You can sometimes feel the aura around a person and i felt that with Copp...

Courage ; comes from Cœur

(Source: ) I've been wanting to write something for so long now. When I am in a class and something beautiful and moving pops into my mind or enters my body as a feeling and not a thought, I try and tell myself that I need to put it down on my blog or my diary. It needs to be captured. But I invariably forget, get too busy with work or with other mundane stuff on weekends. And sometimes when I do want to sit and write about it, my mind turns into this blank slate and all my thoughts scatter away. Anyway, I got this urge to write in the middle of my work day and I've set everything aside to do it! Off late I have been vegetarian (1 month and 1 week !) and it's been pretty awesome actually. I have no meat cravings even though I have gone out for kebab dinners with my meat loving friends. Thankfully they haven't abandoned me and still invite me to these things! I drink a lot more milk, eat ...