
Showing posts from February, 2014

Masterclass with Leah Kim

I wake up at 6 am everyday thinking I'll make up for lost time in my weekend sleep. And that never happens. And quite frankly, I'm in bed by 10:30 pm, so 6 am is not bad at all. I've technically given my body and mind enough time to recover. But just the thought of waking up before sunrise is painful. So when I received an email from my studio about a masterclass with Leah Kim this Saturday at 8 AM, I was both hesitant and excited!Excited for obvious reasons, Leah Kim is a yogini who travels all over the globe teaching, practicing, living and breathing yoga. She is more famously known as Nike's yoga ambassador. She is in Singapore to lead the teacher training course at Hom Yoga and was conducting a vinyasa flow class today. I was hesitant because, dude! 8 am on a Saturday is brutal. It's just plain brutal. On weekends, I usually wake up at 8ish, but just because I CAN, I lay in my bed for 2 hours. Haha.  So you see? Giving up that luxury of choice to go sweat it ou...

Breathe In. Breathe Out.

Wow. It's been some time since I visited this blog of mine. I've been paying a lot of attention to my other blog : zindagi migzara. I might have stopped writing everyday after the hot journey got over, but I haven't stopped practicing. The last couple of months have turned my life upside down, and the one thing that has kept me rooted is my practice. Usually when I take a vacation, I give up practicing and chill for two weeks and then come back to the mat. But when I went home last November, I carried my mat and practiced everyday for 60 mins. It was nice and relaxed and not in a hot room, so that was really nice. So the overall theme for the last few months still has been strength like the tree pose or Vriksasana. But an additional thing that has helped me center myself and bring my mind and soul along with the body to the mat, is my focus on the breath. Now when I step onto that mat, I close my eyes and I'm transported to another world. And all I can hear are my teac...