Welcome !
Hello and welcome to Samasthiti, my yoga journal. The idea to start blogging about yoga struck me suddenly this last Sunday. I have signed up for a "Hot Journey" at my yoga studio : Hom Yoga . The challenge is to practice yoga every day for 30 days in a row. Of course you have different classes to choose from, the point is to get on your mat every day of the month. Now, I already do this. But the minute someone repackages this as a challenge, it's tempting to accept it, isn't it? The last time the studio had a hot journey was sometime back, I think Feb/March and I was relatively new and didn't know if I'd like the studio enough to stay there for a month. So i didn't sign up. But what caught my eye was this big board with a cell for each day of the month and you had to put a round brightly colored sticker (differs according to the class you do) on that cell every time you completed a class. It was so pretty, i wanted those stickers against my name...